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Learn From the Cramer Kerfuffle

Huffington Post

I am no fan of Jim Cramer. While I fully understand his persona is a carefully crafted schtick designed to entertain, his Mad Money program harms Main Street investors. His stock-picking recommendations are no more likely to be accurate than the flip of a coin. The myth that Cramer has some special insight into the…

8 Tax Tips Investors Should Know

US News

It’s that time of the year again. Everyone is weighing in with tax tips to prepare investors for the tax preparation that follows the new year. I didn’t want to be left out of the fun, so I consulted with John Corn, a certified public accountant and a wealth advisor with Buckingham (with whom I…

Endowment Returns Are Worsening


Despite the publicity surrounding the long-term investment performance of certain endowment funds, such as those belonging to Yale and Harvard, little has been known about the overall performance of university endowments until recently. We are learning more these days, thanks to some solid research, including from Vanguard Group, and it’s not terribly encouraging. Discouraging takeaways…

The Guide To Happy Giving

Giving Tuesday might officially be behind us, but let’s face it—we’re just getting started. The giving season is underway, with the holidays and year-end bearing down on us. So how can we transform one of the more stressful, and sometimes guilt-ridden, elements of the season into something more life-giving? Whether you’re giving to a family…

Don’t Give Till It Hurts

New York Times

I love this time of year, except for one teeny, tiny thing: charitable giving guilt. You know exactly what I’m talking about. We’ve all walked past that red bucket without dropping in any money. We’ve all said “no” to those requests at the checkout counter to donate $1 to some worthy cause. Many of us…

Skeptical On The Low-Vol ‘Factor’


The superior performance of low-volatility stocks was initially documented in the literature back during the 1970s, by Fischer Black, among others. That’s even before the size and value premiums were officially “discovered.” And since its existence became known, two main explanations for the low-volatility phenomenon have arisen. They are that: Many investors are either constrained…

Passive Investing’s Foundations


Building upon the work of Harry Markowitz, the trio of John Lintner, William Sharpe and Jack Treynor are generally given most of the credit for introducing the first formal asset pricing model, the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). It was developed in the early 1960s. The CAPM provided the first precise definition of risk and…

The Active or Passive Fund Debate is Over

US News

As 2015 approaches, and you begin thinking about resolutions for the new year, make changing the way you invest your first priority. “Active investing” means trying to outperform benchmark indexes (such as the Standard & Poor’s 500 index) through market timing and stock picking. You can capture the returns of a benchmark index (less the…

The Personality Trait That Dooms Your Investments

US News

Do you play recreational tennis or golf? Would you bet your retirement savings you could beat Roger Federer or Tiger Woods? Of course you wouldn’t. In most areas of your life, you objectively assess your skill level, and make intelligent decisions about the outcome of your planned activities. Overconfidence is common in investing. Unfortunately, many…

Making the Most of Resolution

You’ve heard that New Year’s resolutions have a horrendous success rate, right? One source suggests the number is as low as 8 percent … 8 stinking percent. But why? Is it for a lack of resolve? Somehow, I don’t think that’s it. It took a heck of a lot of resolve for your nephew to conquer the…

Questioning Value Of Endowments


Educational institutions hold billions of dollars in endowment funds. As of June 2013, the most recent data available, the five largest educational endowments (Harvard University, Yale University, The University of Texas system, Stanford University and Princeton University) collectively managed nearly $110.5 billion. All educational endowments managed in excess of $448 billion. While they are often…

Read This Before You Buy a Mutual Fund

Huffington Post

According to the 2014 Investment Company Fact Book, the mutual fund industry in the United States manages an astounding $15 trillion in assets. That represents a whole lot of investors who must be disappointed with the performance of their actively managed mutual funds. Approximately 85 percent of active large-cap stock funds underperformed their benchmark indexes…

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