Client Vault


Scoring 2015’s ‘Sure Things’


At the start of 2015, I put together a list of predictions that financial “gurus” had made for the upcoming year, especially the ones that gained consensus as “sure things.” I then kept track, through a series of periodic updates, of whether these “sure thing” forecasts actually came to pass. Well, the inevitable turn of…

Evaluating Hartford’s Performance


How do some of the market’s most recognizable active mutual fund families stack up to a comparable passive counterpart? To explore that question, I’ll continue my evaluation of active fund performance with an in-depth look the Hartford family of funds to determine whether the firm adds value for investors. Why Hartford? Aside from its prominent…

Gurus’ ‘Sure Things’ For 2016


Every year, I like to keep track of the predictions that “gurus” and other market observers make for the upcoming year, specifically the ones that they say are “sure things.” It seems like no one in the financial media holds them accountable (which is a shame, since the evidence shows there are no good forecasters),…

‘The Big Short’: A Big Wake-Up Call

Huffington Post

I agree with the glowing reviews of The Big Short. The film does a wonderful job of exposing the mendacity of the financial industry and the role it played in almost causing a worldwide economic collapse. Its depiction of Wall Street as infested with greed, devoid of ethics and indifferent to the real-life consequences of…

When Financial Talk Turns Personal

New York Times

Recently, my family needed a new vehicle. I’ve always wanted a truck, and I knew we would get tons of use out of it. Could I have found a cheaper vehicle? Sure. But I knew we could afford the truck, so after lots of careful thought, we decided to buy it. Anytime I make a…

Keep Calm And Step Forward


A good friend, Sherman Doll, related the following story. Sherman has been a two-line sport kite flier for years. While not a pro, he has learned a few tricks from observing the flying behavior of these kites. He told me that one of the most difficult skills for beginners to master is what to do…

What Warren Buffett Isn’t Doing

Huffington Post

I don’t know Warren Buffett. I didn’t interview him for this article. But I’m pretty sure I know what he isn’t doing to cope with the worst first four trading days in history for the S&P 500 index to begin a calendar year. Buffett isn’t listening to pundits on TV The financial media loves market…

10 Things You Absolutely Need To Know About Life Insurance

Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by every household. I’d even go so far as to say it’s vital for most. Yet, despite its nearly universal applicability, there remains a great deal of confusion, and even skepticism, regarding life insurance. Perhaps this is due to life insurance’s complexity,…

High Yield Rewards Underwhelming


Investors have now been faced with a long period of very low yields on high-quality bonds. As a result, and as a consequence of the Federal Reserve’s easy monetary policy, many investors have chosen to pursue higher yields by taking credit risk. This has occurred despite historical evidence that only a very small default premium…

Avoid Investment Depression


As the holidays conclude and the calendar turns into a new year, depression can become an all-too-real possibility. After all, the daylight hours are shorter, and what seems like the longest and coldest (at least in some places) stretch of winter is still ahead. It’s a common time of year for depression, which is frequently…

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