Client Vault

new york times

It’s Easy to Forget About Risk in a Stable Market

New York Times

Stability itself is destabilizing. This is one of the defining ideas of the economist Hyman Minsky. And it matters because when we have periods of relative stability or happy results in the stock market (like now), we start to tell ourselves little stories. For example, we might believe that the stock market will behave like…

A Slow-Tech Approach to Tracking Spending

New York Times

Ten years ago, I tracked every penny of our family’s spending. That’s good, right? Over time, however, I lost sight of why I was doing it and eventually stopped. Recently, I decided to try it again, and I find myself having the same mental conversation every time I sit down with my receipts. “I don’t…

A Slow-Tech Approach to Tracking Spending

New York Times

Ten years ago, I tracked every penny of our family’s spending. That’s good, right? Over time, however, I lost sight of why I was doing it and eventually stopped. Recently, I decided to try it again, and I find myself having the same mental conversation every time I sit down with my receipts. “I don’t…

The Illogic of Active Trading

New York Times

Individual investors have been busy the last few months. TD Ameritrade saw a 30 percent jump in daily trading volume compared with the same period last year. Other discount brokers reported a similar increase in daily trading volume. I spoke to TD Ameritrade, and it said this number represented a broad-based increase in trading. The number of…

Seven Tips for Stock Traders Determined to Defy the Odds

New York Times

Last week, I wrote about the documented evidence that trading activity results in lower returns to investors. This is equally true for those people we think of as professional investors and for people day trading in their parents’ basements. As far as I’m aware, there’s no peer-reviewed, academic study that shows any evidence that active trading will…

What Michael Lewis’s Book Has to Do With Your Money

New York Times

Do you consider yourself an investor or a trader? The answer matters because there’s a big distinction between the two. It’s also an answer that will help you make sense of the current sideshow entertaining most of Wall Street: Michael Lewis’s latest book, “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt.” Starting on Sunday with an interview on “60…

React to the Reality, Not the Image of It

New York Times

Years ago, a friend came home with a new, top-of-the-line road bike. My first thought: How can he afford that? It seemed like such a big purchase based on what I thought I knew. We lived in the same neighborhood, were close to the same age and both had young families. His life looked a…

Determining the Markup on Municipal Bonds

New York Times

Most of the market news you hear tends to be about stocks, but bonds are just as useful a tool for most investment portfolios. One type in particular, the municipal, or “muni” bond, remains very popular. These bonds are issued by local governments, they’re often tax-exempt and they can be relatively low risk. But muni…

The Best Investment Strategy? Getting Out of Our Own Way

New York Times

We’re still making the same old mistake of buying investments when prices are high and selling them once their prices have fallen. I had hoped things had changed, I really did. But Morningstar’s latest Investor Returns data says otherwise. More than 10 years after I first started thinking about this data, the behavior gap still exists. The…

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